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1st grade Measurements

Measurements syllabus for 1st grade

1st grade: Measurements

Our Measurement topics for 1st grade cover a variety of measurement skills including ordering and comparing standard units of length, weight and volume. There are topics relating to telling the time and comparing durations of events. Money topics involve recognizing coins, ordering coins by value and simple addition and subtraction using monetary values.

9 sub categories including:

  1. Compare: height
    Topics related to measuring the height of people including determining who in a group is shortest, and ordering heights from shortest to tallest.
  2. Compare: length
    Topics that involve ordering and comparing lengths in standard decimal units.
  3. Compare: weight/mass
    Topics that involve ordering and comparing weights of people and items in standard decimal units. Weights are compared using inequality symbols, and in "Double the weight" pupils must select the item that is double the weight of another item.
  4. Telling the time
    Topics that involve telling the time given analogue clock faces. Pupils are requested to select the correct time from lists for each clock-face for "On the hour", "Half past", "Quarter past" and "Quarter to the hour". In the sub-category "Compare: time", topics compare race times and arrival times to find who ran fastest or arrived latest.
  5. Money
    Topics involve ordering, comparing, adding and subtracting monetary amounts in coins and small-denomination notes.

Measurements topics by sub-category

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