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Kindergarten math

Math categories for kindergarten

Free Math Games offers 13 top level categories for kindergarten. Taken together, these categories cover the majority of the US math curriculum for kindergarten.

See the list of topics for kindergarten or select a math category from the table below to see the available sub-categories and topics, or go directly to the kindergarten games, lessons and tests.

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Math topic index for kindergarten

Below is the complete list of topics for kindergarten arranged by category. Click on a topic to view more information.

From 0 to 20
From 20 to 50
From 50 to 100
From 90 to 120
Down from 20
In steps of 2
In steps of 10
Read and write numbers
One more or less
  • One more than
    Identify the number that is one more than a given number for numbers up to 100
  • One less than
    Identify the number that is one less than a given number for numbers up to 100

Comparing numbers
Biggest smallest 1-20
Biggest smallest 20-50
Bigger and smaller
More, Less or Equal
Odds and evens 1 to 20
Ordering numbers

Number patterns
Shape patterns
  • Squares
    Pick the next colored square in the pattern
  • Circles and triangles
    Pick the next colour and shape in these patterns of circles and triangles
Estimate number of objects

Place value
Identifying place values
Read & write numbers

Adding numbers
One-step problems
Number bonding
Add using number bonds
Matching additions
Word problems

Subtracting numbers
One-step problems
Reverse Number bonding
Matching subtractions
Word problems
  • How many more?
    Use subtraction to find out how many more things one person has than another person
  • How many left?
    Use subtraction to find out how many items are left

Add + Subtract
Add then subtract
  • Adding 9
    Add 9 to a number by adding 10 and then subtracting 1
  • Adding 8
    Add 8 to a number by adding 10 and then subtracting 2
Add then add again
  • Adding 11
    Add 11 to a number by adding 10 and then adding 1
  • Adding 12
    Add 12 to a number by adding 10 and then adding 2 more
Subtract then add
  • Subtract 9
    Subtract 9 from a number by subtracting 10 then adding 1 back
  • Subtract 8
    Subtract 8 by subtracting 10 from a number then adding 2 back
Subtract then subtract again
  • Subtract 11
    Subtract 11 by subtracting 10 from the number and then subtracting 1 more
  • Subtract 12
    Subtract 12 by subtracting 10 then subtracting 2 more
Number machine

Grouping objects
Groups to numbers

Dividing objects

Multiply + Divide
Doubling halving

Name fractions
  • Half or quarter
    In the pictures, is the part shaded red a half or a quarter of the whole thing?
Fractions of numbers

Compare height weight
  • Who is taller?
    Look at the heights of two people and say who is taller
  • Which weighs more?
    Look at the weights of two objects and pick the one that is heavier
  • Double the height
    For each set of items, pick the item that is double the height of the named item
  • Half the height
    For each group of people, pick the person who is half the height of Sam
Compare volume
Measure in standard units
  • Measure volume
    Look at each container and decide the volume of liquid by reading the scale
  • Measure length
    Identify the correct length for each red line by reading the scale in centimeters
Telling the time
Compare times
  • Who runs faster?
    Compare the race times of 2 runners to find the faster runner
  • Earlier and later
    Compare times for journeys and actions and say who will arrive or finish earlier or later
Chronological order
  • Value of coins
    For each pair of coins identify the one that is more or less valuable

Identifying shapes
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